Experienced Strata Managers Who LOWER YOUR LEVIES While KeepingYour Strata Scheme and Your Investment SAFE.
Who do We Serve?
We Serve you, the Strata Unit Owner Who Wants an Experienced, Boutique Strata Management Business:
  • big enough to deliver the best service, and
  • small enough to look after you on an individual basis.
What do we deliver to you, the Strata Unit Owner?
We aim to lower your current levies as much as possible by examining current budgets and finding savings for you.
We do this while safeguarding your bricks and mortar investment, keeping your Strata Scheme safe from risk, and complying with legislation.
Our aim is to put more money back into your pocket. So many large Strata Management companies ignore this: they feel their size gives them a right to tell you what they have arrogantly decided is best to impose on you, instead of asking you first if you really want to pay so much for your levies. When you try to change this, you are blindsided or ignored. You may have experienced this. You may be a current victim of their attitudes. Unlike these arrogant large Strata Companies, we have been able to deliver vital savings to our clients for the last 14 years.
Why is it so Important to Lower Your Levies?
Because, in current tight times, for many owners, every dollar counts. A large amount of the financial pressure on Strata Unit owners comes from excessively high levies imposed on them by large greedy Strata Management Companies. Many of these owners - perhaps you - feel that their ability to keep owning their investment properties is now under threat. Or, it will be, soon…
The high cost of living continues to climb. You can’t control uncertain interest rates affecting mortgages and other costs, but you can get relief from high Strata levy costs through our careful management. You can contact us - and we can stop the rot eating into your investment – and you can start moving to a safe position today. You can escape from the “Large Strata Management Company” trap - just because you are in a large Strata Scheme does not mean you need a large, greedy Strata Management Company.
For Strata Unit Owners seeking the right Strata Managers who will listen to their concerns, who will help them to survive and prosper in these difficult times, please remember this -when it comes to Strata:
Big Management means You Pay Big Levies. Bigger is almost Never better.
Take the financial pressure off! Relieve yourpersonal frustration: Contact us on: enquiries@lylstrata.com.au. We will respond promptly.
Allan Kelso Strata Management
Contact us on: enquiries@lylstrata.com.au ALL WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE TO: P.O. Box 8414, Westfields Shopping Centre, Parramatta, N.S.W., 2150. Office: Suite F, level 1, Octagon Building, 110 George street, Parramatta, N.S.W., 2150. A.B.N. 87141711799 Licence Number. 1655194.

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